Largest Inventory of Lockers in the Nation - New & Used Lockers

You can add only four products to the comparison list.

Proof of Performance - Hollywood Lockers Stars

Our lockers are pretty awesome.  Not only are they found in many of the high schools, middle schools and rec centers and gyms across the country, but a few of them have actually gone on to Hollywood and become major stars...

Take our most recent locker example; ESPN airs The Jon Gruden QB Camp Show, a program which discusses football, and in which he pokes and prods QB draft prospects.  Mostly insightful, and always entertaining.

So we received a call the other day and our crack salesman Gregg sold a few gray stadium lockers to ESPN to be part of their new set for the show.  We love the random calls we get from the big leagues and helping send up our best prospects to such entities as ESPN!

If you are interested in learning more about ESPN's show;  CLICK HERE

This isn't the first time our lockers have been sought out on the Internet, and have wound up in a professional athlete's home or a major network studio...why as a matter of fact, our lockers have made it to the silver screen as well.

When producers and set designers needed some small lockers for the movie "Alvin and The Chipmunks" they too came to

Here are a few photos we took as they left our warehouse, heading to stardom:

IMG_1758IMG_1762If you want to see one of Alvin and The Chipmunk scene with our lockers;  CLICK HERE

...and when it comes to reality shows, we've done those too.  When ABC's Extreme Makeover needed some lockers for their makeover, they called as well.

Yes, we've done several DIY shows, as well as a webisode of Tracy Metro which you will be hearing about in a future blog post!  This is one talented lady with some REALLY cool DIY ideas.  She even used some of our used lockers for adding some flair to her makeover ideas.  For more information on Tracy Metro; CLICK HERE

Among other shows that we've sold our lockers to include; Easy A,  CBS' The Mentalist, High School Musical, Sweet Life Of Zach And Cody, and a local production called Studio C among just a few.

So our point?  If you're thinking of buying lockers for your movie or TV show--or perhaps even if you need one as a stage prop, give us a call because we've done this all before and understand your unique needs, budgets and schedules. Gregg is pretty fun to talk to, too!